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Employee Retirement Plan

& Other Benefit Offerings


Your startup company will have to offer a bevy of attractive employee benefits in order to compete with the competition.  Let us help you with some of the traditional as well as more unique benefit offerings.


“Those who join young or small companies may have a thirst for adventure, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to sock away for retirement. To stay competitive, small firms should offer a retirement plan.” (Source: Forbes – “The Best Benefits Package For Small Businesses”)


Employee Retirement Plans


Setting up a retirement plan has lots of benefits for you, your startup business and your employees. Retirement plans allow you to invest now for financial security when you and your employees retire.  As a bonus, you and your employees get significant tax advantages and other incentives.  Employer contributions are tax-deductible.  A retirement plan can attract and retain better employees, reducing new employee training costs.


  • 401(k)


  • SEP


We can assist you in setting up the employee retirement plan that best suits your business.  The key to your employees' long-term retirement sucess is for them to start saving now, so why not enable them?






Financial Education Benefit


To help employees plan for retirement, why not have your startup company add financial and investment literacy classes to its list of benefits?  Improving one's financial literacy is always  a good investment.


Numerous surveys all come to the same conclusion, namely that consumers do not have a good grasp of personal finance issues.  They underscore the importance of educating consumers about the importance of saving and investing, the detrimental results of taking on too much debt, and the need to plan for retirement.

We can provide classes and workshops to your employees in-house ranging from money management to investing education.  We provide unbiased information and insights into the world of investing and retirement planning.



Financial Wellness Benefit


Have your start-up company go one step further, and offer a new wellness benefit for your employees, specifically financial wellness.


Your employees' financial stress can result in reduced productivity at work.  The cost to your business may go as high as 20 hours per month/per employee and up to $7,000 per employee/per year in lost productivity alone. (Source:  The solution to this financial stress is one-on-one, customized financial and retirement planning for each employee, thus in turn boosting business productivity.


We can provide a financial wellness/risk assessment for each employee, and provide one-on-one coaching/counseling for your employees.  There can be no better benefit offering than helping every employee plan for a sound financial future.


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